Marilyn Brodoff was an extraordinary woman.
As a loving wife, mother, mother-law, grandmother, aunt, cousin and friend, she enhanced the lives of those around her in so many special ways.
On July 29th, 2002, as her life was coming to an end, Marilyn gave us an everlasting gift.
That evening, a volunteer art therapist asked her to draw a memorable time in her life. Though she had never painted before, her love of the beach inspired her to paint a joyful moment she experienced on Cape Cod. Bathed in golden sunlight, near a peaceful sea, this remarkable self-portrait captured the very essence of her beautiful and spirited character.
To celebrate and honor Marilyn's life, we are inviting family and friends to join us in a commemorative project that will benefit patients at the Beth Israel's Cancer Center. We are creating two special, comfortable rooms of respite, one at Beth Israel's Milton and Carroll Petrie Division; the other at Beth Israel’s Phillips Ambulatory Care Center. Here, patients who are receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy can seek solace and relaxation with television, music, reading material and videos. An art therapist will also be available for patients who wish to utilize this creative outlet.
We are calling these spaces Marilyn's Place. We know she would have loved the idea of helping to nurture and sustain people through difficult times. Marilyn's Place is a natural addition for Beth Israel Medical Center, an institution that prides itself on providing the utmost in compassionate care for patients and their families.
We are launching this project with personal donations and we hope you will join in our efforts to continue this legacy for Marilyn. Gifts of any amounts will be deeply appreciated and will be requested on an annual basis. In the interim we would appreciate your consideration of our important project if you ever have to make a memorial or commemorative donation during the year. All donations will be acknowledged promptly and you will be kept up to date on our progress.
Please make your check payable to Beth Israel Medical Center. To ensure that these donations are applied for Marilyn's Place, please mark your check for the Marilyn Brodoff Memorial Fund.
Donations are to be sent to:
Michelle Gillan
Beth Israel Medical Center
Development Department, 18th Floor
555 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
All donations are tax deductable.
Being the compassionate woman that Marilyn was, we know that she would be very proud to have her name associated with such a worthwhile endeavor.
With warmest regards,
Joseph Brodoff
Ilene Brodoff Harrison
Bruce Brodoff
Steven Brodoff